HomeCopy of GAR & PPR Forms


Dublin Weston Airport

Weston Airport Limited Service Operations

This form must be printed, signed and emailed back to ops@westonairport.com prior to departure -



Weston Airport Limited Services Operations


  1. PPR (Prior Permission Required) must be gained from DWA Ops for all aircraft movements at least +24 hours in advance.
  2. Aircraft Operators will receive a departure (take-of) and arrival (landing) time from DWA Ops, which shall be strictly adhered to.
  3. Aircraft Operators SHALL file a flight plan in accordance with the approved arrival/departure time at least +1 hour in advance.
  4. Aircraft Operators SHALL phone Dublin ATC on +353 1 – 773 2501, at least 15 minutes prior to departure in order to obtain clearance from Dublin to depart. In the event this clearance from Dublin is not obtained, then you SHALL NOT DEPART.
  5. Aircraft Operators SHALL Maintain both their assigned departure and/or arrival times. STRICT COMPLIANCE IS MANDATORY. In the event of the assigned timeslot being missed, aircraft operators shall contact DWA Ops to obtain an alternative time (if available).
  6. Upon detail completion it is Mandatory for Aircraft Operators to close their flight plan.



Operational Requirements:

  1. Whilst in the Dublin CTR (Class C airspace), Pilots shall maintain the assigned frequency from Dublin ATC at all
  2. Only Departures and Arrivals will be facilitated. NO CIRCUIT ACTIVITY.
  3. Departing and Arriving aircraft SHALL maintain ON or NORTH of the extended Centre line RWY25/07 at all times, while also remaining clear of Military Airspace.
  4. Only Westbound departures will be


  1. No ATS or MET services are available at EIWT; all other services including a fire service will be
  2. Movements limited to VFR No Special VFR allowed.
  3. Operators using Weston shall abide by the normal noise restrictions and avoid overflight of notified noise sensitive areas.
  4. Aircraft Operators must ensure their licences and insurances cover their operations to and from DWA.
  5. Aircraft Operators will be entirely responsible for holding all risk therein for operations at DWA.
  6. Limited Operating hours in effect; timings to be confirmed with DWA
  7. Aircraft Operators should be mindful that while in these limited operating conditions that it is still Class C airspace under Dublin ATC’s control.
  8. Strict Compliance with the above procedures is mandatory. DWA reserves the right to Restrict any/all Aircraft Operators who do not comply with the above






I hereby understand and accept the operating conditions outlined above.



Name (Blocks)


